Digitize your company's consent signing process

Enable digital input and creation of consents within the Data Protection module, where you explain the purpose of storing and processing personal data.


Simplify GDPR compliance.

Simplify and expedite the process of complying with GDPR regulations by easily creating consents that clearly inform your clients and users about the use of their personal data. Additionally, maintain a digital record of all entered consents.

Digitized consents

Digitize existing consents regarding the use of personal data and create new ones entirely in a digital format.




Data protection digitization

Digitize the data processing consent-giving process and automate it by enabling direct storage of consents through forms available on your website.


Consent options

Maintain a record of all provided consents for the processing of personal data and track their status directly, whether the consent is pending, accepted, rejected, or withdrawn.


Agreements and consents

Simply enter the purpose of processing and storing personal data to create a consent and easily track any necessary changes over time.